Initiative Relational Evangelism: Why Initiate? - ChurchMag
When you think of initiating spiritual conversations, especially with people you don't know yet, what are your thoughts and feelings. If you are like many, you might feel a sense of inadequacy or unpreparedness. Yet, despite how afraid we often are about sharing our faith in Christ with others, during the time I've spent on campus, I've learned that when asked, most people say they would like to be able to communicate their faith better. But still, given our general fear of starting conversations with complete strangers, why should we do it? First of all, the originator of initiative evangelism was Jesus. We learn in Romans 3:10-12 that no one seeks God on their own. Yet in Luke 19:10, Jesus came to seek and save us. He took the initiative to come to us, commanded us to do likewise, and to take the gospel to everyone (John 20:21 and Mark 16:15 are some examples of this). We then see that the example set by the Apostles and the early church was to initiate conversations with others. Acts is full of stories like this. Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” - John 20:21 Now thousands of years later, for many reasons it is something we are often uncomfortable doing. Maybe we feel that others won't want to talk about what they believe and what we believe. Maybe we just feel that we aren't equipped to share more about what we believe. Next time we will explore some of the myths we believe about initiating conversations with others, but I would like to hear from you. What are some myths you think are out there that keep Christians from talking to people they don't know. What are some myths you find yourself believing that keep you from starting conversations about Christ. Do you start conversations with strangers about what you believe? Why or why not.
Steve Steiner