Initiative Relational Evangelism: Tools from Cru - ChurchMag
Last time we talked about some common myths about initiating spiritual conversations. Now, we are going to talk about some ways to start spiritual conversations. We will look at a few ways on how to have conversations about Jesus with others. Ways to Initiate Spiritual Conversations from Cru Whether we are talking to someone for the first time or to someone we have known for years, sometimes it is hard to move our conversation towards deeper spiritual matters. So, we are going to take a look at some of the ways we do this in Cru as well as some other ideas on how we can naturally move conversations toward the Gospel. Sometimes in Cru we actually try to start conversations with complete strangers. We go out and try to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. and approach people that he leads us to. Then we start conversations with them. Some people are naturally good at starting conversations with anyone, but it is helpful for others to use tools to get conversations going. One of the main tools we use to start conversations with people we don't know yet is surveys. This is something that Cru has been doing for years. Surveys allow us to get to know their story, while we share more about our story, so we can learn good connecting points to God's story. We tell people who we are, then ask if we can take a survey that asks 4 or 5 spiritual questions. As we ask them questions, we learn more about their story and share more about our story. Through this, we find places where both of our stories connect with God's story. In recent years we have been using a new similar tool for surveys that is called the Soularium. The Soularium is a collection of 50 pictures. We ask people to choose pictures that represent the answer to questions we ask them, and to explain why they chose those pictures. (An example question would be, "Choose 3 pictures that represent what is going on in your life right now, and tell me why you chose those pictures.") Again, this gives us a chance to really hear more about their story, and to talk about our story with them as we move towards dialoguing with them about the Gospel.
Steve Steiner